Monday, February 24, 2025

Alfred Muscat u Kevin Aquilina jikkwalifikaw għall-Premier League of Darts

Aqra wkoll

Alfred Muscat u Kevin Aquilina saru l-aħħar żewġ plejers li kkwalifikaw għall-fażi ewlenija tal-Premier League of Darts meta lbieraħ rebħu l-logħbiet rispettivi tagħhom sabiex baqgħu għaddejjin sal-fażijiet l-aktar importanti tal-kompetizzjoni.

Muscat elimina lil Chris Bailey (3-0), Carmelo Vella (3-0), Tommy Ringrose (3-1) u Eucharist Baldacchino (3-1) filwaqt li  Aquilina rebaħ kontra Paul Aquilina (3-2), Tony Tonna (3-0), Gordon Stanmore (3-0) u Ray Gera (3-2).

Wara ħames tournaments ta’ kwalifikazzjoni, issa nafu l-għaxar plejers li se jiffurmaw il- Premier League of Darts fejn Alfred Muscat u Kevin Aquilina ingħaqdu ma’ Jonathan Bilocca, Tony Borg, Godfrey Abela, Anthony Borg, Albert Scerri, Norbert  Attard,  Kirsten Aquilina u Enrico Scerri.

Alfred Muscat and Kevin Aquilina qualify for Premier League of Darts

Alfred Muscat and Kevin Aquilina managed to qualify for the main round of the Premier League of Darts as they ousted their respective opponents. Both players were consistent in their throws and managed also to eliminate more quoted opponents.

Muscat eliminated Chris Bailey (3-0), Carmelo Vella (3-0), Tommy Ringrose (3-1) and Eucharist Baldacchino (3-1) while Aquilina won against Paul Aquilina (3-2), Tony Tonna (3-0), Gordon Stanmore (3-0) and Ray Gera (3-2).

After these five qualifying rounds, we know the ten players which will play in the main round of the Premier League of Darts with Alfred Muscat and Kevin Aquilina joining  Jonathan Bilocca, Tony Borg, Godfrey Abela, Anthony Borg, Albert Scerri, Norbert  Attard,  Kirsten Aquilina and  Enrico Scerri.
