Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Franco Scicluna li kien imfittex mill-pulizija jikklarifika l-każ

Aqra wkoll

Franco Scicluna f’ittra li bgħat lil dan is-sit u anke kmamar tal-aħbarijiet oħrajn jixtieq li jikklarifika l-każ.

Dan is-sit kif dejjem għamel f’każi bħal dawn qiegħed joħroġ l-ittra kif mibgħuta minn Franco Scicluna stess.

“Dear Editor

I am writing to you on behalf of my client, Mr. Franco Scicluna.
On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, a notice was published by the newsroom you manage, or to which you belong, on a news portal and its associated social accounts. This story stated that my client was wanted by the police, based on a statement issued by the communication office of the Malta Police Force.

Shortly after this initial statement, the police issued another statement clarifying that Mr. Scicluna was no longer wanted.

In a hearing before Magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech on Monday, July 8, it was revealed that my client was never summoned by the court, and that this was the first hearing of the case. Furthermore, the case related to the Department for Industrial and Employment Relations was dismissed during this hearing.

This demonstrates the innocence of my client. Additionally, it suggests that the original action may have been intended to harm my client and his business. It is deeply troubling when justice and media are used to undermine individuals.

Given your newsroom’s commitment to integrity, we request that you broadcast and publish with the same prominence the news that Mr. Scicluna has been cleared of any accusations. We request that this news is publish on both your portal and social media accounts, using the attached photo.

Attached to this email you shall find the documentation signed by the registrar.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and request that the correction be published within 24 hours from the receipt of this email.

Sincerely Yours,”

Il-pulizija ssib lir-raġel li kien qed jiġi mfittex b’rabta ma’ każ l-Qorti

Aktar kmieni: Il-Pulizija fi stqarrija qalet li l-persuna relatata m’għadiex imfittxija. Il-Pulizija tirringrazzja lill-pubbliku għall-għajnuna tiegħu.

Aktar kmieni: Il-Pulizija fi stqarrija qalu li fuq ordni tal-Qorti b’rabta ma’ kawża pendenti kienu qegħdin ifittxu l-persuna li tidher fir-ritratt.

Kull min għandu kwalunkwè tip ta’ informazzjoni dwar din il-persuna huwa ġentilment mitlub jagħmel kuntatt mal-Pulizija permezz ta’ messenger, jew iċempel, anke b’mod anonimu, fuq in-numri tal-Kwartieri Ġenerali tal-Pulizija 21 224001 / 119 jew fl-eqreb Għassa tal-Pulizija u jiġi kwotat in-numru 13/2024.
