Saturday, September 14, 2024

Futsal: Ta’ Xbiex u l-Universitá ta’ Malta jżommu r-ritmu

Aqra wkoll

Ta’ Xbiex Futsal u l-Universita’ ta’ Malta baqgħu jżommu r-rekord perfett tagħhom fl-Enemed Futsal League meta kisbu r-raba’ rebħa minn daqstant logħbiet.

Hekk kif iċ-champions Luxol ma kinux fl-azzjoni minħabba l-impenji tagħhom fil-UEFA Futsal Champions League, anke ŻRQ Bormla rebħu l-logħba tagħhom sabiex issa telgħu fit-tielet post tal-klassifika.

University of Malta ACJ iddominaw il-konfront tagħhom kontra s-selezzjoni Maltija ta’ taħt id-19-il sena hekk kif rebħu 9-1.

L-iskorer prolifiku Cleavon Portelli skorja tripletta filwaqt li Aaron Montebello u Leo Muscat kienu awturi ta’ doppjetta kull wieħed. Steven Camilleri u Paul Scerri sabu wkoll ix-xibka għall-Universitarji.

Iż-żgħażagħ Maltin naqqsu l-marġni tal-iskor minn Robert Malool Mustafa.

Referees: Marco La Rosa, Sillah Alhasana.

Ta’ Xbiex għelbu lill-ġirien Sliema Futsal 6-1. Ir-rebbieħa kellhom l-ewwel taqsima perfetta fejn skorjaw ħames gowls mingħajr risposta sabiex setgħu jikkontrollaw sew it-tieni 20 minuta filwaqt li anke żiedu l-iskor.

Liam Caruana kien awtur ta’ doppjetta personali sabiex Redeemer Borg, Bernardo Rosa, Matthias Camilleri u Ryan Debono komplew żiedu l-iskor.

Is-Slimiżi naqqsu l-marġni tal-iskor minn Wallace Oliveira Santos.

Referees: Andrea Naudi, Jude Amin Utulu.

ŻRQ Bormla kellhom rebħa komda ta’ 11-1 kontra Gżira United Santa Margherita.

Kif jindika l-iskor, il-Bormliżi setgħu jamministraw l-40 minuta logħob b’Gabriel Ghigo, Jovica Milijic u Karl Sciortino awtur ta’ żewġ gowls kull wieħed. Rodrigues da Silva, Claudio Venuto, Karl Luke Schembri, Dylan Musu u Mohamed Elamari għaqqdu l-iskor għal ŻRQ Bormla.

Il-Gżirjani skorjaw il-gowl ta’ konsolazzjoni permezz ta’ Yessous Camilleri.

Referees: Clinton Cassar, Stefania Bonnici.

Fid-dwell bejn żewġ timijiet min-nofsinhar ta’ Malta, Birżebbuġa St Peter’s għelbu lil Marsaskala Futsal 6-4 f’logħba ferm sabiħa.

Minkejja li kienu 3-2 minn taħt, it-tim minn Birżebbuġa baqgħu konċentrati u rnexxielhom idawru l-iskor favur tagħhom.

Kieran Debono u Shataizan Zarb skorjaw doppjetta kull wieħed b’Julien Bollard u Alexei Saliba jniżżlu isimhom fost l-iskorers.

L-Iskalin skorjaw permezz ta’ Alessio Restuccia, Amir Ashtiyani, Zemkin Seisun u awtogowl ta’ Owen Galea.

Referees: Jude Amin Utulu, Marco La Rosa.


Ta’ Xbiex, University of Malta ACJ 12, ŻRQ Bormla, Luxol 10, Luxol 7, Swieqi ,Birżebbuġa 6, Sliema Wanderers, Futsal Selection U19 4, Birżebbuġa St Peter’s, Gżira United Santa Margerita 3, Futsal Selection U18, Marsaskala, Santa Venera Lightnings 0

Ta’ Xbiex and University of Malta ACJ Group keep momentum

Ta Xbiex Futsal and the University of Malta maintained their perfect record in the Enemed Futsal League when they achieved their fourth victory from as many matches.
As Luxol  were not in action due to their commitments in the UEFA Futsal Champions League, even ŽRQ Bormla won their game so that they have now climbed to third place in the table.
University of Malta ACJ dominated their match against the Maltese under-19 selection as they won 9-1.
Prolific scorer Cleavon Portelli scored a hat-trick while Aaron Montebello and Leo Muscat netted a brace apiece. Steven Camilleri and Paul Scerri also found the net for the Universitarians.
The Maltese youngsters reduced the margin by Robert Malool Mustafa.
Referees: Marco La Rosa, Sillah Alhasana.
Ta Xbiex beat neighbours Sliema Futsal 6-1. The winners had a perfect first half where they scored five goals to administer the second half as well as even increasing the score.
Liam Caruana hit the target twice so that Redeemer Borg, Bernardo Rosa, Matthias Camilleri and Ryan Debono continued to increase the score.
The Blues reduced the margin of the score by Wallace Oliveira Santos.
Referees: Andrea Naudi, Jude Amin Utulu.
ŽRQ Bormla had a comfortable 11-1 victory against Gzira United Santa Margherita.
The Cottonera side were dominant over their opponents with Gabriel Ghigo, Jovica Milijic and Karl Sciortino helping themsevles with two goals each. Rodrigues da Silva, Claudio Venuto, Karl Luke Schembri, Dylan Musu and Mohamed Elamari scored for ŻRQ Bormla.
The Maroons scored the consolation goal through Yessous Camilleri.
Referees: Clinton Cassar, Stefania Bonnici.
In the clash  between the Southerners, Birżebbuġa St Peter's beat Marsaskala Futsal 6-4 in a very nice game.
Despite being 3-2 down, the Birżebbuġa side remained concentrated and managed to turn the score in their favour.
Kieran Debono and Shataizan Zarb scored twice each with Julien Bollard and Alexei Saliba adding their names to the scorers.
The Seasouthsiders scored through Alessio Restuccia, Amir Ashtiyani, Zemkin Seisun and an own goal by Owen Galea.
Referees: Jude Amin Utulu, Marco La Rosa.


Ta’ Xbiex, University of Malta ACJ 12, ŻRQ Bormla, Luxol 10, Luxol 7, Swieqi ,Birżebbuġa 6, Sliema Wanderers, Futsal Selection U19 4, Birżebbuġa St Peter’s, Gżira United Santa Margerita 3, Futsal Selection U18, Marsaskala, Santa Venera Lightnings 0

