Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Isiru l-attivitajiet tal-Ġimgħa Ewropea tal-Isport

Aqra wkoll

Matul tmiem il-ġimgħa li għadda saru żewg attivitajiet kbar parti mill-Ġimgħa Ewropea tal-Isport 2022.  Is-Sibt fil-kumpless tal-Kottonera saret il-BeActive Nigħt attivita li fl-istess ħin tkun qed tigi iċċelebrata mal-pajjiżi stati membri u pajjiżi oħrajn fl-Ewropa.

L-attvita kellha żewg temi prinċipali, l-inklussivita u fitness.  Fil-fatt Special Olympics kienu ċ-ċentru ta` diversi attivitajiet li mhux biss saru mit-tfal membri izda minn oħrajn.  L-isport tal-bocce, table tennis u tal-futbol kienu l-aktar popolari.

Kien hemm ukoll mixjiet minn Kunsilli Lokali differenti lejn il-kumpless.  Fil-fatt il-Kunsilli tal-Kalkara, Isla, Birgu u Bormla bil-kollaborazzjoni ta` SportMalta organizzaw mixjiet li għalihom attendew in-nies tal-lokal.

Barra minn hekk kien hemm attivita kbira ta` fitness li kellha line up ta` sport differenti fosthom Zumba, Boogie Bounce u Capoeira flimkien ma wirjiet minn diversi skejjel ta` żfin.   Ġie organizzat ukoll tornew esebizzjoni ta` l-isnooker min-tfal ta` etajiet żgħar ħafna li huma parti mill-akkademja ta` SportMalta.

Il-Ħadd imbagħad ġewwa il-kumpless tal-Marsa ġie trasformat f’villaġġ sportiv.  Kien iċ-ċans għal dawk kollha li attendew li jaraw u jieħdu sehem fi’ sport differenti.  Dan kien ivarja minn Atletika, Skate Boarding, Baskitbol 3 vs 3, Duathlon, Badminton, Archery, Netball, Judo, Rugby, Kendo u VolleyballSpecial Olympics ukoll għamlu sport varju għat-tfal membri tagħħom, filwaqt li l-Malta Youth Football Association organizzat tornew tal-futbol matul il-ġurnata kollha. 

Matul dan ix-xahar ukoll qed isiru diversi attivitajiet oħra minn diversi Federazzjoniiet u klabbs sabiex iħeggu aktar l-popolazzjoni Maltija u Għawdxija tkun aktar attiva.  L-attivitajiet uffiċajli li jmiss għal SportMalta hija ġirja ta` 5 kilometri organizzata flimkien mal-Malta Employees Sport Association li ser issir fis-6 ta` Ottubru fil-17:00 u fit-tieni ġimgħa ta` Ottubru, attvita kollettiva fl-iskejjel Maltin u Għawdxin.

During the past weekend, two big activities took place as part of the European Week of Sport 2022. On Saturday at the Cottonera Sport Complex, the BeActive Nigħt took place, an activity which at the same time was being celebrated within the whole European Union member states and other countries in Europe.

The event had two main themes, inclusivity, and fitness. In fact, Special Olympics were the centre of various activities that were not only carried out by their young members but by others. The sports of bocce, table tennis and football were the most popular.

There were also walks from different local Councils to the complex. In fact, the councils of Kalkara, Isla, Birgu and Bormla with the collaboration of SportMalta organized three-kilometre walks for which the locals attended.

In addition, there was a great fitness activity that had a line-up of different sports including Zumba, boogie bounce and capoeira together with exhibitions from various dance schools. A snooker exhibition tournament was also organized by very young children who are part of the SportMalta academy.

Then on Sunday the Marsa complex was transformed into a sports village. It was fun for all those who attended to watch and take part in a different sport. This varied from Athletics, skate boarding, basketball 3 vs 3, duathlon, badminton, archery, netball, judo, rugby, kendo, and volleyball. Special Olympics also did various sports for their member children, while the Malta youth football association organized a football tournament througħout the day for both boys and girls.

During this month also several other activities are being carried out by various Federations and clubs to encourage the Maltese and Gozitan population to be more active. The next official activities for SportMalta is a 5-kilometre run organized together with the Malta Employees Sport Association which will take place on October 6 at 17:00 and in the second week of October a collective event in Maltese schools and Gozo.
